Pobreza en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas: El impacto de la Crisis. Papeles de Economía Española, no 138, pp. 98-113, 2013. Abstract: This paper aims at evaluating the impact of the economic crisis on Spain and its regions by means of two multidimensional indicators that measure the evolution of development (a variant of the human development index) and poverty (combining incidence, intensity and social exclusion). The chosen period is 2006-2011. There are two main outcomes. First, the crisis has hit so hard that improvements in health and education variables do not compensate anymore the fall in the income variable. Second, Spanish regions are responding very differently to the impact of the crisis. Key words: economic crisis, development, poverty, autonomous communities. JEL classification: I30, O10, O52, R11. Se accede al artículo completo mediante el enlace indicado.